- cardiovascular fitness
- • (при) годность по состоянию сердечно-сосудистой системы• приспособленность сердечно-сосудистой системы
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
fitness — I (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Appropriateness] Syn. suitability, aptness, propriety, expediency, aptitude, convenience, adequacy, seemliness, correspondence, agreeableness, seasonableness, decency, decorum, congruousness, harmony, pertinence, accordance … English dictionary for students
Fitness — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Nota: En argot científico, »fitness« también puede referirse a la aptitud biológica. Fitness (en español Aptitud) hace referencia regularmente en español a una actividad física de movimientos repetidos que… … Wikipedia Español
fitness — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ full, peak ▪ low ▪ general, overall ▪ individual, personal ▪ … Collocations dictionary
Fitness boot camp — A fitness boot camp is a type of physical training program conducted by gyms, personal trainers, and former military personnel. These programs have been increasing in popularity for the past several years. The training often combines running,… … Wikipedia
cardiovascular — adj. Cardiovascular is used with these nouns: ↑disease, ↑exercise, ↑fitness, ↑risk, ↑system, ↑training, ↑workout … Collocations dictionary
fitness — 1. Well being. 2. Suitability. 3. In population genetics, a measure of the relative survival and reproductive success of a given individual or phenotype, or of a population subgroup. 4. A set of attributes, primarily respiratory and… … Medical dictionary
Multi-stage fitness test — The multi stage fitness test, also known as the bleep test, beep test, pacer test, Leger test or 20 m shuttle run test, is used by sports coaches and trainers to estimate an athlete s VO2 max (maximum oxygen uptake). The test is especially useful … Wikipedia
Physical fitness — can be achieved through physical exercise. Physical fitness comprises two related concepts: general fitness(a state of health and well being), and specific fitness (a task oriented definition based on the ability to perform specific aspects of… … Wikipedia
Golf fitness — is a relatively new concept in the world of professional golfing, but one which is gaining wide currency now. While there is now a mainstream following of this type of training, this wasn’t always the case. Golfers were never considered athletes… … Wikipedia
Social influences on fitness behavior — Physical fitness is maintained by a range of physical activities. Human factors and social influences are important in starting and maintaining such activities. Social environments can influence motivation and persistence, through pressures… … Wikipedia
United States Air Force Fitness Test — The United States Air Force Fitness Test (AFFT) is designed to test the body composition, muscular strength/endurance and cardiovascular respiratory fitness of airmen in the United States Air Force. As part of the Fit to Fight program, the Air… … Wikipedia